Témakörök > Droszt Híradó > Szóljunk be tomajernek! A hozzászóláshoz be kell jelentkezned | |
tomajer | 2009.10.20. 20:58:32 / # 168374 |
Mert az ízléstelenség nem emeli a színvonalat. Még akkor sem, ha a Horváth családról van szó.
Nem értem a gyűlöletedet, de semmi közöm hozzá.
Itt magánéleti szennyest nem teregetünk, akár igaz akár nem!
Előzmény: #168356 mészarospál 2009.10.20. 20:27:21 |
mészarospál | 2009.10.20. 20:27:21 / # 168356 |
Miért törölted ki a Csaba és az apja verekedését a Tulipánban ???
Ez sok mindent jelent....
- lehet, hogy helyesled
- az is lehet, hogy ujra hirdetni fognak
- vagy csak a szinvonalat akarod csökkenteni
- stb........
mészarospál | 2009.10.20. 20:14:51 / # 168355 |
A főszerkesztőnket nem érdekli a taxisok lejáratása. Ez van !!! "ÉS"
tomajer | 2009.10.19. 23:12:43 / # 168431 |
Előzmény: #168429 mészarospál 2009.10.19. 21:35:24 |
mészarospál | 2009.10.19. 21:35:24 / # 168429 |
mészarospál | 2009.10.19. 21:34:27 / # 168430 |
Our editorial office feels it necessary to warn the visitors of budapest-sexguide.com to that shameful incident, which mostly describes the Budapest night life. This is the taxi mafia!
They operate together with those night clubs, which are specialized to this, and they talk the tourists out of their original destination, and deliver the guests to such places, where they are stiffed and damaged. The most dangerous type are those taxi drivers, who are waiting in front of the hotels. Almost all of them are working for those corrupt bars. You should not choose these drivers by no means!!!
You can check on our website in the blacklist column the actual list of clubs which are mostly cooperating with the taxi mafia.
We also would like to attract your attention that not every club chooses this way. There are clubs which ensure correct hospitality and provide absolutely safe entertainment possibilities. The biggest problem appears when the taxi driver deviates the guest from his original destination with such lies that the club is not operating anymore or the entry ticket is too expensive, etc. That is why we suggest everyone insisiting on your chosen destination, and don't let yourself deviate and stiff.
Find out more about cheating methods! more >>
mészarospál | 2009.10.19. 21:06:07 / # 168428 |
Ezt kapd el !
Our Mission
Club Rating
Fresh review
club: White House Night Club (ex Merci)
posted by seike
"Last month we were in Budapest to check out the nightlife a little. We weren’t originally going to go to a striptease bar, because we were sure we would be able to solve the problem by getting a girl in a club or somewhere else. Unfortunately that didn’t work out, so we asked the receptionist in our hotel (Kempinsky) to recommend a good striptease bar to us where would not be ripped off. We later found out that we hadn’t been convincing enough as the guy did send us to one of those places. The cabbie of the hotel took us to a bar called White House. After all the classy Budapest clubs we had seen by that point, both the club’s furniture and its staff looked suspicious, as if we had ended up in Romania or even Africa. The place was of the lowest quality, each one of the girls just plain ugly, so we didn’t stay long, we left after about half an hour. They brought us the bill which included the compulsory drinks, and even though we only had 1 beer each, they tried to have us pay over HUF 60,000. We got really upset and we wanted to call the police, but at the end we got away paying only about a third of that amount. If I’m frank I have to say it’s not the money that’s the most upsetting in this story, especially because we didn’t even pay the bill, but the fact that a hotel like Kempinsky can allow itself to have a guest brought to such an awful place ripping clients off. How is it possible for a receptionist, as I’ve read here and also in other places on the net, to have a deal with such low quality clubs surviving on ripping off unassuming clients? Besides publishing our story on the net, we decided to send a letter to the international centre of the hotel chain, because it is inadmissible for a five star hotel to be involved with putting their guests through such a negative experience as it happened to us."
club: Jolly Roger's Bar
posted by Behdabra
"I must warn everybody not to come here, because it’s all about ripping off clients. Why there aren’t more comments about this bar is beyond me, considering that each day they keep misleading clients. I, for one, surely paid over five times what the bill actually would have been, but at the end of the day I was the foolish one to let the cab driver talk me into coming here even though I originally wanted to go somewhere else. If you ever happen to get into the taxi of a hotel and they recommend this place to you, remember this and don’t believe the cab driver, because all they want to do is rip you off!"
club: P1 Gentlemen's Club
posted by fang1sild
"Me and my two friends we had a great time in Budapest, thanks for Club P1 !!!!! We were just wondering how beautiful girls are working in this club, and how kind are everyone of them. The VIP services were absolutely favorable and high level, the personal was professional. The next year we'll come back to Budapest to visit and have fun in Club P1 !!"
club: Royal Palace Night Club
posted by Dick
"For me Royal Palace is the only actually reliable club in Budapest with a real atmosphere. Every year during the Formula 1 we visit Budapest with my mates. We have never once missed a chance to go to the Royal Palace and it has yet to disappoint us. I do recommend this Club to everybody who wants to have a good time without unpleasant surprises. There I have always enjoyed high standard services and the biggest number of the most beautiful girls in Budapest also work there."
club: P1 Gentlemen's Club
posted by pikeyne
"We travelled to Budapest with two of my friends back at the end of May to celebrate my birthday, and I found the P1 web page while browsing the net, which was extremely outstanding as compared to all the other Budapest clubs. We used the free of charge driver service opportunity, and we spent an unforgettable night there. I did not visit any of the other clubs in Budapest, thus I only have experiences with this one, but I was really impressed by this club! I can only recommend it, if someone would like memorable experiences - and try to read between the lines here!"
Fresh Forum Entrys
Girls on sites like redzone.hu etc
last post: 03.28.2009 10:14:35 | oschkosch
girls in the clubs
last post: 12.23.2008 15:52:37 | alphajet
Good outcall girls
last post: 02.14.2008 12:57:57 | Just4Fun42
Night club, Budapest...Girls, nightlife, sex in Budapest... What are your experiences? Feel free to share! Register now!
Forum: Nightlife in Budapest
Our editorial office feels it necessary to warn the visitors of budapest-sexguide.com to that shameful incident, which mostly describes the Budapest night life. This is the taxi mafia!
They operate together with those night clubs, which are specialized to this, and they talk the tourists out of their original destination, and deliver the guests to such places, where they are stiffed and damaged. The most dangerous type are those taxi drivers, who are waiting in front of the hotels. Almost all of them are working for those corrupt bars. You should not choose these drivers by no means!!!
You can check on our website in the blacklist column the actual list of clubs which are mostly cooperating with the taxi mafia.
We also would like to attract your attention that not every club chooses this way. There are clubs which ensure correct hospitality and provide absolutely safe entertainment possibilities. The biggest problem appears when the taxi driver deviates the guest from his original destination with such lies that the club is not operating anymore or the entry ticket is too expensive, etc. That is why we suggest everyone insisiting on your chosen destination, and don't let yourself deviate and stiff.
Find out more about cheating methods! more >>
tomajer | 2009.10.19. 13:41:17 / # 168393 |
Megkaptam, helyére tettem, eszembe se jutott, hogy válaszoljak, sok a dolgom, nem látok ki a fejemből, nem kell több kérdés:-)))
Előzmény: #168392 málna 2009.10.19. 12:51:44 |
málna | 2009.10.19. 12:51:44 / # 168392 |
Megkaptad a levelem?Nyugtáztad az új címemet?Megsértődtél valamiért?Miért nem írsz vissza?Sokat dolgozol?Hanyagolsz?Sok a kérdés?Kérsz még?
tomajer | 2009.10.12. 10:14:29 / # 168438 |
Előzmény: #168437 csogu 2009.10.12. 08:59:15 |
csogu | 2009.10.12. 08:59:15 / # 168437 |
Tomi, a Pisti üzeni, hogy amiről beszéltetek, az 17 ezer forint...hívd fel a srácot és hivatkozzál rá...ez nagyon fontos!
tomajer | 2009.10.01. 16:29:30 / # 168436 |
Majd nappal próbáld ki, az Arany János utcából, a Városház utcába mondjuk:-)
Előzmény: #168434 csogu 2009.10.01. 16:18:42 |
AdamGyak | 2009.10.01. 16:22:51 / # 168435 |
A hármas a kütyüs tarifa ?
Előzmény: #168432 attus 2009.10.01. 14:30:18 |
csogu | 2009.10.01. 16:18:42 / # 168434 |
Mi a baj ezzel?
Legalább kiszámítható az utasok részéről:-)
Előzmény: #168433 tomajer 2009.10.01. 15:26:42 |
tomajer | 2009.10.01. 15:26:42 / # 168433 |
Én már tudok "jobbat" :-)
[b][font size=3]Alap: 200.-
Km: 200.-
Várakozás: 0.-[/font][/b]
Össz vissz két tartifa.
A másik.
[b][font size=3]Alap: 0.-
Km: 0.-
Várakozás: 50.-[/font][/b]
Ami valljuk be, nem felel meg a fővárosi tarifarendeletnek, mert a nullának az ötven, nem a negyede:-)
De ez legyen az ő baja:-)
Egyezzünk meg.
Nem beszélünk róluk. Nem csinálunk nekik ingyen reklámot. Bármit teszünk, mondunk, csak az ő malmukra hajtjuk a vizet.
Csak az agyonhallgatás segíthet.
Előzmény: #168432 attus 2009.10.01. 14:30:18 |
attus | 2009.10.01. 14:30:18 / # 168432 |
Direkt ide tettem neked, nehogy valami "utasgyanús elem" is rátaláljon!:-)
Yuri | 2009.09.10. 10:38:12 / # 168423 |
Ez jó volt! Ez kétségtelenül pontot ér! :-D
AdamGyak | 2009.09.09. 17:19:28 / # 168427 |
Tedd ki ha van kedved:)
tomajer | 2009.09.09. 15:05:52 / # 168426 |
Ezúton szeretnék gratulálni, ahhoz, hogy ezexerint túlélted a tegnapi napot! :-)
(peti493-nak, tegnap egy újabb leánygyermeke született)
Elég fáradt hangja volt este:-)))
Előzmény: #168425 peti493 2009.09.09. 14:18:13 |
peti493 | 2009.09.09. 14:18:13 / # 168425 |